
About Templateism & Company

Renovate your blog with Awesomness

Templateism is a Blogger Resource site which was founded by Syed Faizan Ali in December 2012. Templateism is an initiative of MyBloggerLab. The main goal of this site is to provide High Quality Professional Templates (Themes) to Blogger BlogSpot community. Here at Templateism we try to produce Professional Blogger Themes so beginners can easily make use of them. We explain each and everything in the form of Tutorials so of all levels could understand it.

We try to share Blogger Templates on different niches I.e. Technology, Entertainment, Sports, News and etc. We also interactive with people on Social networks and emails to answer their Blogger related questions. If anyone is unable to find a relevant Template on our site then use the Contact Us Page to write about your needs.

People always degrade Blogger Platform because of its dull and rusty appearance. However, they are not aware of the fact that its dynamics is full of awesomeness. Therefore, To Clear that misconception and we have started this site. People think that Blogger is only for Blogs. If a person knows the dynamics of Blogger then he can easily turn it into a robust CMS site.
We always look for people who are hungry to develop something new every time they code because code is poetry. Send your proposals at support@templateism.com